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Our Services and Staff


Vision Rehabilitation
Adaptive Technology

A Certified Vision Rehabilitation Therapist (CVRT®),  is on staff to provide adaptive devices and to instruct persons with visual impairments in the use of compensatory skills and assistive technology that will enable them to live safe, productive, and independent lives. Specific subjects of instruction include cooking, braille reading and writing, personal management, and home management.Text readers, special computer software and hardware,  and electronic video magnifiers are commonly used.  Instructional computer classes are offered to those willing to learn.


 Toni Walls                    Zach Davis

 Orientation & Mobility

Orientation and Mobility is the science of travel for those who are blind or visually impaired. From mobility inside the home to travel across the world, O&M offers instruction in the skills necessary for successful, independent, and efficient travel. By answering the 3 questions, Where am I? Where do I want to go? and How do I get there?, an individual with limited vision can safely travel from here to there.


Consumer Services

We offer assistance with shopping, correspondence, reading mail, banking assistance, and housing forms.


Transportation Supervisor

Transportation  provides free

door-to-door transportation to CWAB® consumers for work, medical appointments, support group meetings, sponsored YMCA program, and other CWAB® activities.



Recreation offers consumers opportunities to participate in community activities, CWAB events, the YMCA, Bingo, as well as crafts.

Peer Support Groups allows our consumers to socialize, be educated, and to be active in the community.

Our Teubert Prep program offers opportunities to our younger consumers and their families to learn, fellowship and find a community of people with like experiences. 


CWAB® was organized on October 9, 1975 when the charter was filed with the state of West Virginia by Charles Harris of Huntington, WV.

The preamble to the bylaws reads in part, “We, the blind of Cabell and Wayne Counties, bind ourselves to the cause of exploring, expanding and exploiting our abilities as free and equal citizens.

We are the blind speaking for ourselves, relying upon each other for the accomplishment of those goals defined for ourselves by ourselves.”


T: 304-522-6991

F: 304-522-6924



38 Washington Ave.

Huntington, WV 25701

Cabell-Wayne Association of the Blind does not discriminate against an individual with a disability in connection with the operation of its programs and services including the provision of transportation services in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA). To find out more about our ADA Policies, to file a complaint, to request a reasonable modification, or to request this information in another language, please contact us at 304-522-6991, or send an email to: ADA Complaint Procedures and CWAB®Policy

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